Ten myths about oral health


Ten myths about oral health

Ten myths about oral health

There are many common myths about oral health that may lead people to take the wrong care methods or ignore important oral health measures.

Myth 1

Go to the dentist only when you have a toothache. Many people think that they only need to see a dentist when they have toothache or other obvious problems. In fact, regular dental examinations are essential for preventing oral diseases and detecting problems early. We recommend that adults should have oral examinations at least twice a year, that is, once every six months. In order to promptly detect and treat potential oral health problems, including but not limited to caries, periodontal disease, and other possible problems. Children and adolescents may need more frequent examinations because they are in the growth and development period, their teeth and jaws change faster, and they are more susceptible to various oral problems.

Myth 2

Bleeding gums are normal. Possible causes of bleeding gums include: tartar, periodontal disease, coagulation disorders, drug side effects, gingival tumors, etc. If bleeding gums occur frequently, you should see a dentist and get treatment. It is very necessary to maintain good oral hygiene habits and regularly undergo professional teeth cleaning and periodontal treatment.

Myth 3

Mouthwash can replace brushing. Although mouthwash can help freshen breath and reduce bacteria, it cannot replace daily brushing and flossing. Proper brushing and flossing are effective ways to clean teeth and gums.

Myth 4

Brush your teeth immediately after eating sweets. Brushing your teeth immediately after eating sugar increases the risk of tooth decay, because acidic foods soften tooth enamel, and brushing your teeth at this time may damage your teeth. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with water after eating sugary foods and wait about half an hour before brushing your teeth.

Myth 5

Teeth whitening products are safe for everyone. Not all teeth whitening products are suitable for everyone. People with gingivitis, periodontal disease, caries, tooth sensitivity and other problems should be properly treated before starting the whitening process. Minors and pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using whitening products. People with chronic diseases such as heart disease and epilepsy should choose a suitable whitening plan under the guidance of a professional doctor.

Myth 6

Adults do not need to correct their teeth anymore. With the advancement of orthodontic technology and methods, there is no age limit for orthodontics. Indications for orthodontics in adults include: tooth misalignment, bite problems, functional problems, facial aesthetics, temporomandibular joint disorder, and tooth gap adjustment after missing teeth (closing missing tooth gaps or creating space for denture restorations). However, for patients with special health problems, treatment plans need to be planned more carefully. In general, as long as the patient’s oral health allows, orthodontic treatment can be considered.

Myth 7

It is more effective to use a hard-bristled toothbrush. Hard-bristled toothbrushes may cause gum damage and tooth wear. It is recommended to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and clean the teeth gently and thoroughly according to the correct brushing method.

Myth 8

Children’s deciduous teeth are not important. Children’s deciduous teeth will eventually be replaced by permanent teeth, but they are still very important. Because they can help children chew food effectively and promote digestion and absorption; deciduous teeth are neatly arranged, which helps correct pronunciation and language learning; deciduous teeth can also provide space and paths for permanent teeth to erupt; at the same time, neat and healthy deciduous teeth have a positive impact on children’s self-confidence and social interaction.

Myth 9

Scaling your teeth will hurt your teeth. Currently, ultrasonic cleaning is commonly used to break up dental plaque through high-frequency vibrations, and then wash away the dental plaque through water mist impact. Under the standard operation of professional doctors, it will not cause any damage to the teeth.

Myth 10

You don’t need to pay special attention to the hygiene of dentures. Even without natural teeth, dentures need good cleaning and maintenance to prevent bacteria from growing and causing oral problems.

In order to properly maintain oral health, you should avoid the above misunderstandings and maintain good oral hygiene habits, including brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing after meals, changing your toothbrush regularly, visiting the dentist regularly for examinations and treatments, and eating a balanced diet and limiting the intake of sugary drinks and snacks. If you have any questions or concerns, you should consult a professional dentist in time.


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