According to statistics, oral diseases are second only to colds and are one of the most common diseases in the human body.

It is often said that good teeth and good appetite are good. In fact, dental problems may not only lead to poor appetite, but may even lead to malnutrition and some systemic diseases. Taking good care of your teeth is also of great significance to your overall health.

1.Wisdom teeth are of no use, should I remove them?

Although wisdom teeth have no function, and some people even have no wisdom teeth yet, wisdom teeth that are in the right position and have opposing teeth should not be removed easily. However, if the wisdom teeth are in an incorrect position and often become inflamed, red and swollen, they may need to be removed. Generally, the upper wisdom teeth are easier to remove than the lower ones, especially the impacted wisdom teeth that require a minor operation under local anesthesia. After having your wisdom teeth removed, be sure to take a good rest.

2.Will it hurt to have my teeth cleaned? Is it necessary to clean my teeth?

It won’t hurt and should be washed every six months. Why do you need to clean your teeth regularly? This starts with the composition and hazards of tartar. Tartar is an important cause of gum bleeding, bad breath, gingivitis and periodontal disease. Regular removal of tartar can prevent most oral diseases. Tartar will regenerate, so regular scaling is required, usually every six months to one year.

3.Will dental cleaning make the gaps between teeth wider?

If you do not clean your teeth for a long time, a large amount of tartar will accumulate, causing gum and periodontal inflammation. After cleaning, the teeth will be exposed again and you will be sensitive. This is normal, and the degree will gradually reduce after about a week. Teeth cleaning uses ultrasonic waves to knock away tartar, which will not damage the teeth. Once the tartar between the teeth is cleaned and gingivitis is relieved, you will feel that the gaps between the teeth have increased, so don’t worry too much.

4.Why do teeth become loose?

Because of periodontal disease. The accumulation of calculus at the junction of teeth and gums causes bacteria and toxins to gradually invade and destroy the alveolar bone. The earliest manifestations are gum bleeding, followed by varying degrees of loosening. If no measures are taken, the fate of the teeth is to fall out.

5.Who is most likely to get periodontal disease?

Smokers who like to smoke: Long-term smoking can cause tar to deposit on the tooth surface, adhere to plaque and soft tar, and form stones.

Mouth breathers: The gum surface is exposed and dry, and the tooth surface lacks self-cleaning function, which can cause plaque accumulation and cause inflammation.

People with crowded teeth: The teeth are uneven and it is difficult to clean the mouth, leading to food impaction and prone to periodontal disease.

6.Are soft-bristled toothbrushes really better than hard-bristled toothbrushes?

Yes. A soft-bristled toothbrush will clean the gum sulcus and other areas more effectively and prevent hard bristles from damaging the gums when brushing too hard. But there is a drawback. Soft-bristled toothbrushes may lose their bristles earlier than hard-bristled toothbrushes, and replacement costs are higher.


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