Products Info|Looking back over 20 years of sterile medical packaging


Looking back over 20 years of sterile medical packaging

In 1993, medical device manufacturers sought packages that would maintain sterile product safety and efficacy, reduce hospital and supply chain waste, and offer cost efficiencies to prepare for healthcare reform.

Twenty years later, the goals are pretty much the same. But the means and methods have definitely changed. “The whole process of developing and testing packaging has become more scientific,” observes Dhuanne Dodrill, president of Rollprint Packaging Products Inc. “Validation is a way of life.”

So how did sterile medical device packaging become a science in its own right?

To prepare for the next 20 years, medical device manufacturers will need to address globalization, patient safety concerns, and

sustainability. Packaging-related decisions may influence company success. “Globalization will continue as the world becomes smaller

and DuPont Tyvek will prevail as the world markets evolve and require the same high quality standards for their medical device

applications,” says Bennish. “And as the emphasis on patient safety continues to increase and developing nations bring healthcare

online, scrutiny of data, cleanliness requirements, bioburden monitoring, and automated visual inspection requirements will continue

to be areas of investment within the industry. Finally, as green initiatives will begin to take action as medical device packaging as

hospitals seek ways to reduce their waste.”


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