Oral care Preparation

1.Mouthwash, water cup, measuring cup, cotton swab

2.Rinse mouth with warm water

1.Mouthwash, water cup, measuring cup, cotton swab

Take appropriate amount of warm water to remove food residue from the mouth ral care

3.Cotton swab brushing teeth oral care

Pour appropriate amount of mouthwash into measuring cup
Take a sponge stick and soak it completely with mouthwash

First close the teeth and brush the outside of the teeth

Open your mouth and brush the inside of your teeth

Brush the occlusal surface

Replace the sponge wand and brush both cheeks

4.Oral rinse

Puff the mouthwash to your left cheek and hold for 30-60 seconds

Pump the mouthwash onto your right cheek and hold for 30-60 seconds

Let the mouthwash flow under the tongue for 30-60 seconds

Close your teeth tightly, squeeze the mouthwash from between your teeth to the inner mucosa of your lips, and hold it there for 30-60 seconds.


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